January 13th, 2024

Meet the Tropical Ecologists (+ advice for future students). Plus our last day at La Selva!

As always, our last day was a mad dash to the finish line for our presentations. Some things never change; we battled with R, ate beans and rice, and stressed out about our papers and presentations. Today we presented on our group projects (Insects, Plants, and Birds at La Selva); we will present on our independent projects in Cuerici. 

Although this is a bit overdue, we thought 2 weeks into the trip would be the perfect time to introduce ourselves! Without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce your 2023-2024 tropical ecologists: 

Matt c/o 2024

Major: Biology and Environmental Studies

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Helping my cousins collect jellyfish so they wouldn’t be scared to swim”

Advice for future students: “It’s alright to not know what you wanna do coming in. Some people are just lucky. Take your time and it’ll come to you naturally”

Nina Hallberg

Nina c/o 2025

Major: Environmental Studies

Minor: Religion & Biology 

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “My grandparents have a beautiful cabin in northern Minnesota. I have so many fond memories of summers and Christmases there as a kid. I always loved making fairy houses in the forest or catching snails among the lilies in the lake. I think growing up in that environment with adults that appreciated nature was formative for the person I am today.”

Advice for future students: “Do an extended study! This course has changed so much about what I think of ecology and my career path. I wish I could have done this earlier and I wish I had time at Colgate to do more. Also if you are so lucky, take a course with Professor Cardelús.” 

Keiona c/o 2024

Major: Geology

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Visiting the Krohn Conservatory botanical garden for my art class in 10th grade”

Advice for future students: “Don’t tie yourself down to one thing; if you think you’ll like it, try it”

Mary Thomas Powell

Mary Thomas c/o 2026

Major: Biology and Environmental Studies 

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “As a child my family would frequently plan our vacations around visiting national parks. I remember being so captivated by the beauty of nature. Traveling with my dad, who it felt like knew everything about the environment we were in, also enhanced my curiosity and awe of nature.”

Advice for future students: “As you travel through the different sites, take a moment to slow down and observe what you see. There is so much to explore and question about nature if you take a moment to look. Also- bring wool socks (game changers).”

Maya c/o 2026

Major: Biology (undeclared) 

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Finding a horde of about 50 horseshoe crabs on the beach with my mom and sister in the middle of winter. When we got closer we saw that they each had a tag with a phone number, which we called. Apparently all the crabs were part of a Long Island Sound migration study, and for our “participation” my sister and I were sent a horseshoe crab pin and a sighting certificate, both of which I showed off whenever I could.”

Advice for future students: “Keep everything in perspective. Be an ant, because this is the age of “small” (creds to Jack Longino)” 

Maya Albright
Zach Lightfoot

Zach c/o 2026

Major: Molecular Biology

Favorite childhood memory: “Learning about native wildlife at “Nature School” at the River Legacy Nature Center in Arlington, Texas”

Advice for future students: “Get out of your comfort zone and be ready to try new things. You never know what you’ll end up loving!”

Caroline c/o 2024

Major: Biology and Japanese

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Building a fort with my sister in the forest!!!”

Advice for future students: “Keep positive! Embrace new experiences and challenge yourself! Support your friends and go to bed early!”

Caroline Gaskin
Alex Baals Kall

Alex BK: c/o 2026 

Major: Biology & Neuroscience (probably)

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Spending a week with my dad in an isolated off-grid cabin that his grandfather built in the New Jersey woods. That’s where I first got really interested in all sorts of outdoor activities and in interacting with a living environment.”

Advice for future students: “Get as invested in the subject as you can while still at Colgate – the skills transfer alongside the excitement when you get down here. Try to tie everything together when you can – the ability to quickly create chains of thought from multiple papers comes in super handy. Also, bring a lot of socks.”

Adam c/o 2024

Major: Environmental Biology

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Climbing all the trees around my house”

Advice for future students: “Take every opportunity you get because you never know! Ask lots of questions and observe the things and people around you because there is so much to see and learn. Also it’s usually great if you try to get everything out of the experience since you can always sleep when you get home :)”

Adam Limonges
Sophie Tinley

Sophie c/o 2024

Major: Environmental Biology

Minor: Religion

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “My family has gone to the same beach every year since I was born and it’s become my faborite place on earth. I adore the beach and the shore birds you get to see there. This summer I got a job at a wildlife rehab clinic on the island so I got to see the birds and other local wildlife at a really intimate level and it completely changed my life. We even got to release baby sea turtles AND stumble upon a mom laying eggs! Something about the beach, and that one in particular, has always brought me a sense of serenity that I struggle to find anywhere else. Nothing beats a good tan, a good book, and a good day at the beach!!!”

Advice for future students: “Don’t bring too many socks! I dont know why I thought I needed so many. You won’t wear anything other than wool wicking socks. Also try to hang out with the people in your class before you guys get to CR because you might get there and then realize you missed out on months of great friendships just because you guys used to be too scared to talk to each other! You all have shared interests if you’re on the trip so there’s tons of common ground.”

Kianna Criscuola

Kianna c/o 2026

Major: Biology

Minor: Environmental Studies

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Walking through a birch forest in Latvia”

Advice for future students: “be curious and wear bug spray”

Clay c/o 2024

Major: Biology

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Hiking in the Adirondacks every summer with my family and dog”

Advice for future students: “Expect the unexpected”

Clay VanOstrand
Porter Comstock

Porter c/o 2026

Major: Biology

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Among the many that stand out, I particularly remember the first time that I pedaled my mountain bike to an overlook near my house and watched the sunsetting over the ocean—I still ride that trail whenever I’m home, and it’s just as inspiring now as it was then.”

Advice for future students: “Review Professor Cardelus’s comments on your short writing responses!”


Major: Biology

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “Making mudpies!”

Advice for future students: “Bring a strong headlamp”

Catherine Cardelús
Jeremy Quiros-Navarro


Major: Biology

Favorite childhood memory in nature: “climbing cliffs next to the waterfall near to my house”

Advice for future students: “be very observant and appreciate what nature really is regardless how hostile and dangerous it can be.”

We are off to Cuerici with no Internet for the next few days! It has been our pleasure blogging for you!

See you soon!


2 Replies to “January 13th, 2024

  1. What an adventure you all have had! Great advice for future environmentalists and those of us who are simply trying to live more consciously aware of the fragility of the ecosystem. You have done amazing work and will make a difference as you continue your studies or begin your careers. Don’t forget this experience! Most people never get an opportunity like this one! Kudos!!

  2. Thank you very much for all your wonderful comments during your exciting adventure. I felt like I was with you as I read your daily blog, I wish I was! All of you have accomplished so much, learning and experiencing new things every day about yourself and our environment.
    I wish all of you much success and happiness in school and life. I’m very proud of each of you. Well done everyone!

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